Monday 22 November 2010

its written on my face, they say, these days

hard to find

i've wanted to put this song up for a while. but a combination not being able to find the song and forgetting its name has caused it to remain hidden within the internet. the key problem with this band is their name. girls. not a bad name for a band. in fact a good name. but try and search it on the internet and you get exactly that. girls. search girls 'the band' to combat getting actual girls. you get a girl band. frustrating. they have a new ep broken dreams club which pitchfork has kindly flagged and subsequently reminded me to not give up on my search for a song i played all last year. its a b side from hell hole rat race their second single. after a trawl through lastfm, pitchfork and google i found it. once again. through trustworthy and reliable wikipedia. its really all you need.

SOLITUDE - girls

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